About us
Through our services and dedicated staff, Palakorn has become a brand in assisitive technology in Thailand and nearby countries. We want to help organizations and professionals working in disability field find the right technology solution for their clients. We want to help individuals with disabilities obtain necessary tools to help them live more independently as well as perform well in schools and work place. The ability and potential in each individual is the key to success.
We are authorized distributors of many well-known assistive technology manufacturers including Freedom Scientific, AbleNet, Enabling Technologies, Intellitools, Aisquared, Duxbury System, ViewPlus, and many others.
Whether you are looking for computer access solution, mobile technology solution, or other assistive devices, contact us for information and consultation. We hope to serve disability community in this region for many years to come.
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Last updated Oct, 29 2014
Hits: 7614